Sunday, March 1, 2015

7 Day Magical Candles? What are they? Their use?



7 Day Magical Candles? What are they? Their use?

Candles have been, and still are, one of the oldest magic tools of all time. Many books have been written about magical candle burning. The simplicity of working with candles is one of its greatest attributions. The essence of the candle flame lends itself as a natural focal point. And anyone can do it!  After all, remember when you were a child and you made a wish before you blew out the candles on your birthday cake? Same theory, only now instead of just wishing, you're declaring your intent. If you think about it, the birthday-candle ritual is based on three key magical principles: Decide on a goal. Visualize the end result. Focus your intent, or will, to manifest that result. So the intent or objective needs to be well thought out and defined, but still written or described in simple terms. Candle magic is a 'sympathic magic' based on the principle that “like attracts like.” Candles can represent or symbolize people, jobs, success, money, love, protection, healing, specific energy, balance or the repelling, reversing or uncrossing of or any challenge or obstacle to your goals.  Decide on your intent/help or need. Visualize the end result.  Focus your intent, or will, to manifest that result. As you write down your goal, visualize yourself achieving that goal. Think about the different ways in which your goal might manifest -- could you be getting a raise at work? Perhaps someone who owed you money will arrive out of the blue to repay their debt. Once you've written down your goal, fold the paper, concentrating on your intent the whole time. Place this under the candle.  Please use safety on burning and placement of candle. Keep the candle lit until it burns out. If there are problems with the candle staying lit, burning black soot, small or large flame then these all need to be addressed with the candle making practitioner.

Why use a metaphysical practitioner well versed at candle making? The wax can be of any color or multiple, layered colors. The color chosen is very important and should be relevant for your specific to your needs. Colors are important and sometimes a multitude of colors are used. A few examples are Pink for love, Red for sex, Green for money, Purple for power, banishing, White for blessings. Dressing a 7 day candle is an art unto it’s own. The difficulty lies in which oils, herbs, planet and elements, the Moon full (waxing or waning), the day all need to be considered and well thought out. The time involved in making a candle can take as long as 1 hour and this is usually the reason they can seem expensive. The shipping price is also high due to its weight and being fragile. The intention of the candle making practitioner needs to be focused and pure. If you decide to make your own, no evil intent should be used, for this is Karma and the intent will come back to you ten-fold.

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