Saturday, March 28, 2015

Zmetaphysician: WHAT IS A LOST SOUL?

Zmetaphysician: WHAT IS A LOST SOUL?: WHAT IS A LOST SOUL? Lost souls are people who are spiritually adrift. For whatever reason, these individuals have blocked the intuitiv...



Lost souls are people who are spiritually adrift. For whatever reason, these individuals have blocked the intuitive guidance coming from their higher selves.  In doing this, they have also cut themselves off from feeling the infinite love of the universe, and this leads to struggle, anger and sadness.  As a result, a lost soul’s life is very challenging.

If you are currently working to raise your vibration and follow your highest path, you probably find it difficult to interact with lost souls.   These individuals can be some of the most frustrating people to deal with because they radiate lower vibrational energy, and the way that they interact with others can be quite off-putting.

However, if we want to help these people we must react with sympathy, rather than anger and hostility.  Lost souls need unconditional love more than the rest of us because they are so starved for it.  Although this may be challenging at times, love and acceptance are really the only things we can give to help others who have lost their way.

So, here are some of the frustrating symptoms of a lost soul, and how best for us to react in order to help them:

1. Defensiveness: a lost soul is someone who is operating from their ego, not from their higher self.  Because they are largely ego-driven, lost souls will often feel the need to defend their positions and assert that they are always right, and always know best.  Even friendly advice that will genuinely help a lost soul is often  immediately discarded with a “Yeah, but…” followed by a list of reasons why they believe the advice won’t work for them.

Your best reaction to this defensiveness? Accept it.  Do not engage in an argument with a lost soul, even if you feel like your advice is exactly what they need.

Remember, lost souls are blocking their inner guidance, so they will very likely block beneficial advice from wherever it is coming from.  The best you can do is lay your ideas on the table, but then back away from the discussion when they push against it.Surprisingly, when I have done this in the past I have noticed that many such individuals will later tell me “I remember when you told me such-and-such, that was really good advice!”  The thing about lost souls is that they do not like to have their egos challenged, so if you do not debate against their rebuttals they are far more likely to listen to your well-intended advice because they didn’t feel threatened by your approach.

2. Closed-mindedness: Many times lost souls will not be interested in accepting different people and different choices.

Again, the higher self is all-loving, and all-accepting.  If someone is blocking the unconditional love from their higher self, they will be unable to radiate unconditional love to others.  As a result, their “love” will only be given out to certain people who are behaving in a way that their ego approves of.

Because of this, you will often see lost souls manifest themselves into people who are intolerant of other religions, bigoted, racist, homophobic or misogynistic.

Your best reaction?  If you feel as if something a lost soul tells you is intolerant or abusive towards others, very kindly tell them that it bothers you when they say things like that and then drop it.

Remember, arguing with a lost soul is always a waste of time.  Speak your mind and then move on.  If you do not challenge a lost soul’s ego, you will have the best shot at being heard.

3. Repeating the same mistakes, over and over again: It may take any of us a few tries to learn a lesson in life, but with a lost soul the pattern endlessly repeats itself.

You may often see a lost soul hopping from one abusive relationship to another, chronically being broke and out of work or even repeatedly being victimized.

To be clear, none of us is perfect, and we’re all making mistakes in some way.  However,  a lost soul’s repeated mistakes are very painful and can cause them a lifetime of personal grief.

Your reaction? Realize, yet again, that a lost soul has severed ties with the love of the universe, therefore they do not understand how to make choices based on self-love.  A lost soul has forgotten how to care for him or herself.

These individuals are not making their life decisions because they are trying to hurt themselves or anyone else, but rather because they have become blind to the guidance of the universe.  In fact, quite often they make poor choices because they are simply trying to distract themselves or numb the pain of the emptiness they feel from being spiritually disconnected.

Please do not judge them, do not chastise them, and do not belittle their struggles.  Accept them where they are, and love them anyways.

This doesn’t mean that you should allow them to pull you into their chaotic storms, but do let them know that you care about them and you want the very best for them.  Loving them from afar still counts!

It can indeed be very frustrating to deal with a lost soul.  The defensiveness, close-mindedness, and continuous self-harm can be very unpleasant to witness and interact with.

That being said, it’s good to remember that we are all on our own paths, and we each have the option of traveling through life in the way that we choose.  Although we may have found a higher calling, the lost souls are choosing to experience life in a limited way-and that’s their choice.

Not a one of us would want to be forced to think or believe something against our will, and if we want the freedom of choice for ourselves we must allow the freedom of choice in others, even when we feel their choices are damaging and hurtful.  We can speak our truths, but we shouldn’t feel the need to take on the job of changing the thoughts, beliefs and actions of others.

At the end of the day, all we can really do for the lost souls of the world is accept and love them as they are while being as happy, healthy and prosperous as we can be.  If we can shine brightly enough, we just might provide enough light to help a lost soul find its way back home.  


Andrea Shueman

Thank you, Easton Harris for bringing this to my attention.



Thursday, March 12, 2015


Wow, the more I study crystals sometimes I feel I should have a big dump truck deliver every type of crystal there is. Then I would lay down and cover my entire body just to see what would happen. Maybe, I would ascend or vanish from perfection. Ya, right! 

My personal perspective on crystals is they all have unique and special meaning and uses. But, if you want one universally excellent crystal to begin to start working with and save money start with clear quartz.


Quartz is a Master Healer stone. It is an excellent all purpose crystal healer stone. It is said to amplify healing energy and is used to perform diagnostic healing. It has been used historically to detect food poison. It is said to draw out pain. Quartz is used in crystal healing to strengthen all body systems. Quartz is particularly effective for chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and intestinal problems. It also improves mental and physical energy, stamina, and physical strength. It enhances spiritual growth, spirituality, wisdom, thought processes and emotions; it increases inspiration and creativity, concentration, retaining/studying, and harmony in romantic relationships.


It is found regularly in passage tomb cemeteries in Europe in a burial context, such as in Ireland.  Ancient Japanese believed quartz formed from the breath of a white dragon, and regarded it as representing perfection. Australian Aborigines used quartz in rain rituals.  Crystal skulls were reportedly made by Atlanteans and are believed by some to be living entities. Clear quartz formed into spheres have been used as crystal balls to predict the future at least since the middle ages. Quartz can be icy clear or have inclusions, veils, bubbles, and various colors. Visual clarity normally isn't important to its energetic quality.

Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information


Sunday, March 8, 2015


Alcoholism/Drug Addiction? Read this!

Since I and many others have battled addiction. I just found a very interesting article about nutrition alcoholism and drug addiction. Audrie Sunnyboy who has been in the alcohol/drug treatment since 1990

Audrie Sunnyboy, who quit drinking and doing drugs at age 40, said she first became interested in nutrition-based recovery after reading Larson's "Seven Weeks to Sobriety." In the book, Larson wrote that her son committed suicide after a short bout of alcoholism, leading to her search for a better treatment method. She hypothesized that every alcoholic fits into one of four categories based largely on their body's composition--most are hypoglycemic--and that dietary changes can improve someone's condition in almost every case. She studied this for many years and found an amazing correlation between nutrition and how it helped with beating this self induced problem.

Audrie says: I was watching people and was realizing that most of the Alaska Native people did not recover from alcoholism," she said. "And as I was going along, I would ask, 'Did you ever go to AA?' Then they would say, 'No, because I didn't want to talk.' This is also the case with other’s searching for an alternative. They will not go to AA.

Sunnyboy said the realization that AA's 12-step program does not work for everyone, especially people who are reluctant to talk about themselves, is what led to her interest in providing an alternative form of treatment. The treatment center is the Sunny Denyaave Center,  59 College Road Suite 213 Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 (907)455-4611. She  has developed a six week program aimed at repairing alcoholics and drug users quit their habits by repairing their bodies through nutrient replacement and proper diet.  The technique is based on the theory that drugs and alcoholism are treatable physical diseases, not moral flaws.

The way AA looks at it and the way most people look at it is as weak-willed, psychological behavior," "What (Larson) and the other doctors say is that that is not so. An alcoholic or person who is addicted to drugs is not nutritionally sound."

The main culprit for promoting alcoholism is sugar, she said. Sunnyboy explained that sugar and alcohol consumption both result in the pancreas increasing blood sugar and releasing insulin.  Continued sugar consumption, she said, causes the pancreas to become "trigger happy," producing an imbalance that leads to feelings of irritability and cravings for alcohol and drugs.  Sunnyboy acknowledged that she faces many challenges operating a center that is not widely accepted,

I also found Smart Recovery a non AA based treatment. SMART Recovery founded 1992 is an international non-profit organization which provides assistance to individuals seeking abstinence from addictive behaviors. The approach used is secular and scientifically-based using non-confrontational motivational, behavioral and cognitive methods. Meeting participants learn recovery methods derived from evidence-based addiction treatments. There web site is

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Zmetaphysician: ARE YOU AN EMPATH? Emotional, Sensitive, Overwhelm...

Zmetaphysician: ARE YOU AN EMPATH? Emotional, Sensitive, Overwhelm...: ARE YOU AN EMPATH? Emotional, Sensitive, Overwhelmed, Paranoid, frightened? Quiz Below! An empath is one that can physically/intui...

ARE YOU AN EMPATH? Emotional, Sensitive, Overwhelmed, Paranoid, frightened? Quiz Below!

ARE YOU AN EMPATH? Emotional, Sensitive, Overwhelmed, Paranoid, frightened? Quiz Below!

An empath is one that can physically/intuitively tune into the emotional experience of a person, animal, place or object. Empaths feel everything, extremely sensitive, overwhelmed, paranoid, frightened, or even ill. This makes life extremely hard to deal with if you don’t know what’s going on. Feelings of being crazy, seriously being concerned about there emotional health.  Emotions can run a gamut hour to hour. This is why most empaths prefer solitude, some that have not harnessed what they are, can move into addictive behaviors to “numb out”, of the constant barrage of energy.

Meaning they sense emotion, moods, attitudes, hidden agendas, negativity and human ailments as well. Or, even feel positive life flowing energy.  The strength of an empath has is true compassion, great gut hunches. Practiced empaths observe how their emotions react, while the sensations flow right through them. This takes practice. There are amulets, crystals, aromatherapy, chakra alignment, aura protection that could help, as well as intense study.

Take the Quiz

1. Can you often sense how other people are feeling despite how they act?

2. Do you ever “feel” the atmosphere in a room, or enviournment with large crowds when you walk in making you feel uncomfortable physically bombarded emotionally?

3. Do you often get goose bumps or other physical signs when you sense something is true or significant for you?

4. Can you instinctively feel when someone isn’t safe or okay for you?

5. Have you ever literally felt another’s pain or symptoms?

6. Do you ever get “gut feelings”, butterflies in your stomach when around an angry person or situation?

7. Does having heirlooms, or antiques make you feel uncomfortable, because of the energy they carry?

8. Do your feelings get hurt easily even to the point of tears?

If you answered “yes” to three or more of these questions, you may have empathic abilities. Be alert to those messages from your deepest belly-knowing “gut!”



Thursday, March 5, 2015

Zmetaphysician: Citrine Known to be, “The Crystal of Money”, The S...

Zmetaphysician: Citrine Known to be, “The Crystal of Money”, The S...: Citrine Known to be, “The Crystal of Money”, The Success Stone? Well, what can I say? I think I should were or use every stone ...

Citrine Known to be, “The Crystal of Money”, The Success Stone?

Citrine Known to be, “The Crystal of Money”, The Success Stone?

Well, what can I say? I think I should were or use every stone or crystal there is. Lord, there’s always one component of each crystal I write about that I need. I really think (on this one) is to keep it simple and realize. Hey, Queen Elizabeth loved it!  So? Money and success? Bring it on!

History of Citrine

A Latin version of the Old Testament Citrine has been used as an embellishment on tools and in the jewelry making industry for thousands of years. In ancient Greece, it gained popularity as a decorative gem during the Hellenistic Age, roughly between 300 and 150 B.C. In the 17th century, Scottish weapon makers placed citrine on dagger handles, sometimes using a single large citrine crystal as the handle itself. Largely due to Queen Victoria’s fascination with the gem, citrine became a popular gemstone for traditional Scottish kilt pins and shoulder brooches. She was known to have it everywhere, on herself and in her environment.

Uses Today

Citrine is a joyful stone with bright energy which lights up many aspects of lives of those who work with it. It has energies of good fortune and good luck, though these may appear in unexpected ways. Citrine is well known in crystal work as a success and prosperity stone to the point that it is called the "Success Stone." It is said to promote and manifest success and abundance in all areas, and in many ways. It is particularly used to promote success in business if used in the cash box of a shop, carried or worn, earning it another nickname, "Merchant's Stone." In addition to manifesting abundance, citrine also brings energies of generosity so that the prosperity and success is shared. It also is used to increase, magnify and clarify personal power and energy. This increased personal power can be used for the focused intent of the individual, as it brings will power as well. Family issues caused by negative energies can also be cleared for resolution with citrine. Citrine is also a stone that brings hope. Since citrine eliminates negative energies, it is good for protection in general and helps bring stability energetically. In the mental arena, citrine enhances mental clarity, confidence, and will power. The mental clarity and confidence support bringing increased creativity and honesty. Citrine brings self-confidence as well as positive energy; it can also help eliminate fears of being judged or of others. It is also used to dissipate fear of being alone or unworthy of love. This is amazing to me most stones/crystals need to be cleansed although; Citrine does not absorb any negative energies from its surroundings, and thus never needs energetic clearing.  


In crystal healing and healing folklore, can relieve depression, self-doubt, anger, and irrational mood swings  Citrine can help overcome emotional traumas and grief that may lead to these emotionally self-destructive issues. Citrine is said to be beneficial for the digestion, stomach, nightmares, other sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, diabetes, fibromyalgia. Citrine is also reputed to be good for removing toxins, and overcoming addictions. Sensuality and sexuality can also be heightened by citrine making it a stone of positive choice for sexual issues.

Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Zmetaphysician: Rose Quartz "The Stone of Love"?

Zmetaphysician: Rose Quartz "The Stone of Love"?:   Rose Quartz Todays Uses “NOT What You THINK”. Geez,   I thought this was the stone of love for years, well it is but manly us...

Rose Quartz "The Stone of Love"?


Rose Quartz Todays Uses “NOT What You THINK”.

Geez,  I thought this was the stone of love for years, well it is but manly used to heal emotional wounds, and balance loving energy.  It’s so funny on how so many people use this, not truly knowing what it does. But, if you are attracted to this stone you obviously need it! I use it in several of my products for different needs, attracting love, being love, healing love. It’s a great stone no matter what.

This  Rose Quartz is used for, balancing the emotions of love, it is used to heal emotional wounds. It  produces an amazing loving energy, to help with self love. It brings calmness and clarity, restoring the mind body and spirit to harmony.  In relationships  it is useful for gentle love, peacefulness and calming energy.

PHYSICAL Healing Properties

To clear fluids in the cells of the body to release toxic impurities. Treatment of vertigo, disorders of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It is used as an elixir to clear the skin and reduce wrinkles. (I could use this)! Placing the stone on your heart is said to stimulate proper function of the heart, on the thymus, decreases coughs soothing bronchial and lungs. It also helps to diminish burns and relieve vanquish blistering due to heat.

History of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz beads dating back to 7000 BC have been found in the area once known as Mesopotamia (today’s Iraq). Rose quartz jewelry was known to be crafted by the Assyrians around 800-600 BC. The Assyrians, along with the Romans, might have been the first to use this stone.

People in the earliest recorded times believed in the magical powers of quartz. Ancient Roman, Egyptian, and Greek civilizations used quartz crystals as potent talismans. The Romans used rose quartz as a seal to signify ownership, and Egyptians believed the stone could prevent aging.

The Middle Ages, medical practitioners used quartz in their healing potions. Early cultures of the Americas used quartz amulets. Known as the “love stone,” it was said to balance the emotions and to heal anger and disappointment.