Saturday, March 7, 2015

ARE YOU AN EMPATH? Emotional, Sensitive, Overwhelmed, Paranoid, frightened? Quiz Below!

ARE YOU AN EMPATH? Emotional, Sensitive, Overwhelmed, Paranoid, frightened? Quiz Below!

An empath is one that can physically/intuitively tune into the emotional experience of a person, animal, place or object. Empaths feel everything, extremely sensitive, overwhelmed, paranoid, frightened, or even ill. This makes life extremely hard to deal with if you don’t know what’s going on. Feelings of being crazy, seriously being concerned about there emotional health.  Emotions can run a gamut hour to hour. This is why most empaths prefer solitude, some that have not harnessed what they are, can move into addictive behaviors to “numb out”, of the constant barrage of energy.

Meaning they sense emotion, moods, attitudes, hidden agendas, negativity and human ailments as well. Or, even feel positive life flowing energy.  The strength of an empath has is true compassion, great gut hunches. Practiced empaths observe how their emotions react, while the sensations flow right through them. This takes practice. There are amulets, crystals, aromatherapy, chakra alignment, aura protection that could help, as well as intense study.

Take the Quiz

1. Can you often sense how other people are feeling despite how they act?

2. Do you ever “feel” the atmosphere in a room, or enviournment with large crowds when you walk in making you feel uncomfortable physically bombarded emotionally?

3. Do you often get goose bumps or other physical signs when you sense something is true or significant for you?

4. Can you instinctively feel when someone isn’t safe or okay for you?

5. Have you ever literally felt another’s pain or symptoms?

6. Do you ever get “gut feelings”, butterflies in your stomach when around an angry person or situation?

7. Does having heirlooms, or antiques make you feel uncomfortable, because of the energy they carry?

8. Do your feelings get hurt easily even to the point of tears?

If you answered “yes” to three or more of these questions, you may have empathic abilities. Be alert to those messages from your deepest belly-knowing “gut!”



1 comment:

  1. Yes to all of the above!!!! I thought I was just nuts. Thanks!
